Lee Chapel MAT Curriculum
To genuinely thrive in the modern world both personally and academically, children need to be equipped with the knowledge, skills and values that will enable them to shape their world, both now and in the future, rather than be shaped by it.
At the Lee Chapel Multi Academy Trust, our staff have worked hard to blend the very best of specialist subject teaching with the power that genuine personalisation of learning can bring.
The result is the Lee Chapel MAT Curriculum. We aim to provide a holistic education that allows all students to develop the character and expertise they need to thrive in life - personally, economically and as good citizens.
Everything students learn in school, from the taught academic timetable, our enrichment offer, our PSHE, pastoral support and teaching of behaviour is part of the school curriculum at the Lee Chapel Multi Academy Trust. Our curriculum is knowledge-rich and encourages students to acquire and use different types of knowledge over time, developing their abilities and mastering the content. We sequence our curriculum to give students the opportunity to succeed in the next stage of their education. Every individual receives the right combination of support and challenge to achieve their personal best, irrespective of background or personal circumstance.
A key principle of the Lee Chapel Multi Academy Trust is that each school has autonomy on its Curriculum Intent, i.e. the planned knowledge it wants its pupils to learn. Central to the core values of the Lee Chapel MAT is that collaboration is at the heart of School Improvement. Each school has the following agreed principles:
1) Learning is a change to the long term memory and if nothing has been altered in long term memory, nothing has been learned.
2)Teaching staff will have the pedagogical understanding and subject knowledge to deliver curriculum effectively.
3) Each school’s curriculum will be
- Progressive, knowledge rich and sequenced coherently
- Be tailored to the individual needs of the school and community
- Be based on key concepts which allow pupils to make links
- Be delivered creatively to engage and excite pupils
- Provide high academic challenge
- Be underpinned by purposeful assessment